Welcome to the Delaware Valley Adoption Council
We’re a coalition of agencies, organizations, and individuals in the Delaware Valley region that are dedicated to the promotion of adoption awareness and best practice issues in the adoption field.

Membership Advantages
Members can make a difference in the lives of children and families experiencing adoption by consulting with other agencies about best practice trends, learning about current legislation and how it affects the adoption triad, and gaining knowledge about current adoption issues and how they impact the children and families.
Our Schedule
Meetings, on the 3rd Thursday of each month (July and August excluded), are devoted to continuing education (CEU’s available), inter-agency sharing of practice issues, and the exchange of ideas with the goal of providing information and support to the Delaware Valley adoption community.
Meetings are from 10 AM – 12:30 PM except for CEU meetings which end at 1:00 PM.
Get Started Today!
DVAC welcomes new individuals, organizations, and agencies interested in the Delaware Valley Adoption Council.