The 3-5-7 Model Overview

Davisville Church, Southampton, PA 325 W. Street Road, Southampton, PA, United States

How Story Telling Encourages the Grief Process

Davisville Church, Southampton, PA 325 W. Street Road, Southampton, PA, United States

This webinar will discuss the engagement strategies of presence, listening, affirming as core responses to those in the processes of healing from separation and loss traumas. Story telling provides a door into the world of those who cannot ex-press through words their experiences of pain from relationships that are to protect them and keep them […]

DVAC Adoption/Permanency Parent Panel

Davisville Church, Southampton, PA 325 W. Street Road, Southampton, PA, United States

An interactive exchange between adoptive/permanency parents and attendees.  The panel will provide insight regarding the issues and challenges adoptive families are experiencing, as well as hearing about their personal journeys.   Topics will focus on the goal to improve communication and the quality of service rendered to clients and families.  This training is appropriate for Children […]

Free for DVAC Members

DVAC Round Table Event

Davisville Church, Southampton, PA 325 W. Street Road, Southampton, PA, United States

Suicide Training

Davisville Church, Southampton, PA 325 W. Street Road, Southampton, PA, United States